FAQs – Almo


We get asked a lot of questions about our delicious Almond Milk, so we've put together some of our most frequently asked questions.

Our Company: What does the name Almo mean?

We had an epiphany, to shorten the word almond to almo-the Latin word for ‘nourishing’. Not only that, but the feminine origin of Almo is ‘Alma’ which was a reserved title for classical goddesses and means ‘nourishing mother’ and ‘one who is nourished’.

Our Milk: I’m a café and want to make frothy alpuccinos. Who do I contact for wholesale?

Email our milkman nuts@almomilk.com.au to find your local distributor or check out the Stockists section above. Make sure you provide your business name, location, how much you want to stock up on (a carton or larger volumes)

What percentage of almonds are used in Almo?

We churn 5% which equals 50 grams of almonds (roughly 40 whole almonds) per bottle. It might not sound like a lot but it is actually more almond that you drink than 10% activated almond milks. Simply compare protein content.

Does Almo work well in Coffee?

Depends on a couple things; what type of coffee profile you are using (opt for a medium-darker roast) as even soy milk will split in highly acidic coffee. Overheating almond milk to ballistic temperatures will absolutely make your coffee separate. Not shaking or chilling your almond milk before use can also increase chances of separation. We decided not to add extra thickeners, vegetable oils and gums to make your coffee fool-proof.

Watch this Video on reducing curdling or separation.

If you see the almond milk naturally separate over time, that’s okay. Just stir to give it back a good consistency. It just means you’re drinking a natural almond milk that wasn’t mean to last forever and ever.

Is Almo almond milk sweetened?

No, our original almond milk is unsweetened.

Are Almo almonds activated?

Almo strongly opposes soaking and sieving out almonds due to the reduced nutritional value, increase wastage of the almond itself. Instead, we take the skin off and churn the almonds into almond crème, a tahini-like consistency to make a more creamy, nutritious Australian almond milk.

Does Almo use organic ingredients?

Almo uses organic and local ingredients where available. We use pesticide and fumigant free almonds which are locally sourced from the Riverina region in Australia.

What calcium do you use?

We use natural calcium carbonate derived from limestone. A glass of Almo Milk will provide you just under a third of your Recommended Daily Intake (RDI). More info on calcium carbonate here.

What is xanthan?

Xanthan is a natural gum or polysaccharide created through the fermentation of sugar by a bacteria called Xanthomonas. It has been associated with a number of health benefits including lowering cholesterol and lowering blood sugars as well as being a potential prebiotic to help in maintaining a good gut flora.

Almo Original Unsweetened and Naturals range use xanthan simply to reduce separation of almond and water over a period of time.

Is Almo Original suitable for kids?

Almo is a pasteurized almond milk which is safe for pregnant women, those with immune conditions and kids to consume. It is not a complete milk replacement for kids under the age of 5.

Why use plastic and is your packaging recyclable?

We care a lot about how we make and produce Almo. We choose BPA Free PET plastic as it is one of the most recycled plastics and for safety, use BPA-free.

It is considered more sustainable and recyclable than Tetra ‘cartons’ often used for long life milks. More here.

Why not glass bottles?

Right now, there is no easy solution to tackling waste and climate change. Glass is often shipped from overseas, takes up to 50 times more energy to produce and can cause more of a carbon footprint through shipping and transportation. The water used to clean glass also becomes a major challenge.

Almo would not be a shelf-stable product and would have a short shelf life with further environmental issues caused by food waste. Read more here from Washington Post. Currently, Australia has a glass-recycling crisis. More on that here.  We ultimately are working with packaging organisations to seek an alternative material that can store liquids and reduce the overall carbon footprint.

Why is Almo long-life?

Almo is pasteurized due to the natural occurrence of aflatoxins in almonds and lower levels of ecoli and salmonella. More on that here. It is why we suggest pregnant women, children and those with compromised immune systems avoid drinking fresh unpasteurized almond milk. When Almo is pasteurised over 100 degrees and packaged in a sterile bottle, like jam, it does not need preservatives.

Where are the almonds sourced?

Almo works with a co-op of Australian growers around the border of Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia who produce some of the highest quality almonds in the world using the Nonpareil and Carmel almonds. The almonds are not fumigated with Propylene Oxide, a common fumigant in imported almonds. More on PPO and the issues with imported almonds here.